In the book there are 33 knitting patterns for you to knit your own favorite jumper. All inspired from the 17 endangered animals portrayed in the book. For each animal you will have two jumpers. (except the Staghorn Coral that only comes in adult size)
Patterns are shown with many helpful coloured diagrams and illustrations. One for the child in sizes: EU 86 (98) 110 (122) UK 12-18 month (2) 4-5 (6-7) years
For teenager or adult: EU (UK) sizes S (M) L (XL) in some of the styles EU 34 (36) 38 (40) 42 and UK 8 (10) 12 (14) 16 in others
In this section you will find more important details on the yarn and qualities, corrections to the patterns and where to buy the book at our network of retailers.
Please contact us for the entire file of corrections if wanted.
With the RED book project, we want to have a global reach, so we decided that the yarn used in this book would be sourced from around the world.
The wool is humanely sourced from sheep, goats, rabbits, yak ox, possums, llama, and silkworms. In this way some other animals also contribute to the book and are in their way represented. The book has always had as its core sustainable practices at all levels
Our focus has also been on animal welfare and how it has been treated throughout its life as far as we can tell and are told by the manufacturers.
All yarn companies that are highlighted in our book care about animal welfare and sustainability, and some of the yarn we have used is organic and we have used the GOTS certification as our guide to being and stating it as organic In the design process the focus has been on the use of soft yarns so it’s a pleasure to knit, so also no artificial fibers, only beautiful colors and a charismatic design.